Reflection on conduct .

In our Monastery here in Thailand, every day , at 6.30 in the evening, the community of Monks, Nuns and meditators come together in the big Dhamma Sala for chanting.
One of the daily chants is a reflection on 10 recommended conducts Monks must observe. The chanting is in Pali.
1. Vevaõõiyamhi ajjhūpagato. I have left the social order.
2. Parapañibaddhā me jīvikā . My life needs the support of others.
3. Añño me ākappo karaõīyo . I must change the way I behave.
4. Kacci nu kho me attā sīlato na upavadatī ?
Can I fault myself with regard to the precepts?
5. Kacci nu kho maü anuvicca viññū sabrahma-cārī sīlato na upavadantī ?
Can my knowledgeable fellows in the holy life, on close examination, fault me with regard to the precepts?
6. Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānā-bhāvo vinā-bhāvo .
I will grow different, separate from all that is dear & appealing to me.
These are the first six points , they are the warm up , the setting of perimeters, the foundation to build on , shaky foundation, shaky building.
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